Kerry Women's Centre
We are excited to announce that we have undergone a rebranding and are now known as the Kerry Women's Centre! This new name reflects our mission to empower and support women in Kerry and beyond. We remain committed to providing a safe and inclusive space for women of all backgrounds and experiences to access the support and resources they need.
Empowering Women
In Kerry
Welcome to the Kerry Womens Centre, an organisation dedicated to engage, educate and empower women. We support women through the provision of information, support, counselling and training on issues affecting women, while encouraging respect, diversity and equality.
We will do all that we can for the women in our community. We are committed to guiding and supporting women in a non-judgemental, positive environment. No matter what the challenge or situation you find yourself in, we are here for you.
Need Help?
There are numerous situations in life that women can find themselves in where external support may be required. While there are plenty of helpful resources available we perhaps are not all aware of them or how to get in touch with them. We have attempted to provide a comprehensive list of the most commonly required services that are available locally and nationally to support women when they need it most. We are also only too happy to help you get support or advise you in anyway we can.
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Interested In Joining Us?
The Kerry Women's Centre is a non profit organisation and as such receives no core funding. We rely heavily on our membership base to cover the running costs of the centre. Membership is based on what you can afford and is great value for small money as well as helping to keep this worthwhile service going for women in Kerry.
Membership is €10 for waged members or €5 for unwaged members
Further info on membership can be found here. If you just want to jump ahead and become a member you can go ahead and click below to submit your membership directly.

If you do not wish to become a member of the centre but would still like to help via a one off or regular donation you can give directly via the button below. We thank you for your interest in supporting and empowering our women, your donation will be of immense support to us.
“The circles of women around us weave invisible nets of love that carry us when we’re weak, and sing with us when we are strong.”
SARK, Succulent Wild Woman
To keep connected with our members and all interested women we run a News and Events page on this site which doubles as a blog that interested people can subscribe to and keep up to date. It is updated regularly to get the word out on what is going on within the Kerry Women's Centre.
All the latest posts are dynamically added to the feed below and you can also click the button underneath the feed which links to our News and Events page to read all the previous news posts. You can also sign up to receive notification of all new posts on the News and Events page.
Subscribing to our News and Events page and blog is free of charge to all interested parties.

Upcoming KWC Events
Key to our goal of empowering women within the Kerry Women's Centre is providing training courses and information seminars on a range of topics which we believe are essential for todays modern woman. From dealing with often over looked issues such as tech training to more serious material such as coercive control our courses are designed and organised with women's needs in mind. In the below feed you can see a sample of the most recently added events run by the centre or just click on the button underneath to go directly to our Events page where our members are encouraged to sign up for the events which we always try to provide free of charge to our membership.

Kerry Women's Centre
In The Media
The Centre has been thrilled and very thankful to feature in prominent local media lately which has helped raise our profile while successfully attracting new members and volunteers.
Click below to see a small sampling of some of the articles we have featured in.
If you own, work for or are in anyway associated with a media outlet we have yet to feature in please get in contact to help us reach women wherever we can.